Adapted from our Email Newsletter
A Special Evening
On Monday, July 31 CEI’s annual Camp Phoenix will wrap up for this summer. A fully-packed month of daily activities, lessons, recreation, coupled with weekly trips to a pool and field trips to educational destinations will come to a close. On that day there will be a presentation by the campers that captures the spirit of the camp (see below).
That day will also bring a bittersweet moment as it will be the last day before our long time OST Program Director Mrs. Redd retires.
In order to recognize her service to the children of Chester, and to celebrate her retirement, we have scheduled a special event. All are invited; here’s what you need to know…

Celebration Details
Where & When: You are invited to come to CEI on Saturday, August 12 beginning at 5:00pm for appetizers and not-necessarily-small talk and then enjoy a scrumptious meal that will be catered by our Open Table partners Everybody Eats Philly.
What: Fellowship, old and new friends, and great food. As dinner is winding down we will share expressions of appreciation and acknowledgements for Mrs. Redd and her service from anyone who would like to offer them.
Offering: For any who are moved to offer a financial gift to the CEI Out of School Time Program in honor of Mrs. Redd’s service you may do so by noting your intent on the memo line of a check made out to Chester Eastside. Gifts to Mrs. Redd may also be sent to the office; again, please note your intention,
Most importantly, as we will be gathering in the dining room in St. Paul’s, space will be limited. If we know in advance the crowd will be too large, we can investigate another venue. In addition, we need to have at least a close estimate of attendees for our caterer who will need that number only a few days prior to the event.
Please, please, please RSVP for this event!!!
Please email our Operations Manager Ms. Tiffany at [email protected]. If you send your name and the number of people in your party along with any dietary restrictions we will reserve space(s) for you and do our best to accommodate your needs! You can also call 610-872-4812.
And if you would like to offer a financial gift, you can use this link to make a contribution.
…And Yet Another Special Event

If our campers, counselors, staff, and volunteers can do this with a garden…. just imagine what they can do on a stage!

Can You Believe This??

Over the last six months, work has steadily progressed to turn three vacant plots next to the CEI Community Garden into a refurbished urban source of fresh and natural produce (no more abandoned vehicles!). The Community Garden is more than two times what it was, and we’re hoping the yield we be equally impressive!
The food from the Community Garden is given to the CEI Food Pantry Program, the Out of School Time students and their families, and to random neighbors who just happen to stop by.
Keep alert for plans to host a Community Harvest Day in the fall as we invite neighbors to share in the abundance and bounty that springs from our expanded Community Garden.
And if you have any interest in helping to maintain the garden, know that being twice as large, the garden needs at least twice as many caretakers! If you have any time, energy, or effort to offer, please call the CEI office and let Tiffany know.
CEI’s Next Education Director
Finally, we offer this brief update on the search for our next Education Director. The search has been narrowed to several highly qualified candidates, and we hope to extend an offer in the near future.
A notice will be sent out shortly after an employment agreement has been signed! In the meantime, please keep the discernment of the search committee in your thoughts and prayers: for open eyes and ears to recognize, and open hearts to receive, the one who has already been chosen.