Food Insecurity Programs

Food Pantry & Open Table
Food Pantry: Mondays and Wednesdays The Open Table: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Both: 11:00am-12:30pm FREE
These two program provide more than 200,000 meals each year. Anyone living in the City of Chester, who is in need, can receive bagged food from our pantry. The Food Pantry offers enough bagged groceries for each family member to have three meals a day for six days. Emergency Food is also provided to anyone who expresses a need, regardless of income. Our Open Table program serves hot and nutritious meals to anyone who is in need.
Open Closet & Grab’n Go Meals
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00am-12:30am FREE
Anyone living in the City of Chester, who is in need, can take donated clothes for themselves or family and leave with a hot meal. Guest also have access to diapers, formula, household items, personal hygiene products, books, toys, games, and more!
The Open Closet is located on the ground floor of St. Paul’s Church and operates while the Open Table is in operation.