April 15…
Has Always Meant Only
One thing:
But not this year…not at CEI anyway! Today marks the inauguration of two different initiatives that we’ve been preparing for a long time.
Let the Bidding Begin!!

As of 12:00 today, Chester Eastside’s Not-So Silent Auction is open for business! If you would like to see what’s up for bids – and then place a nonprofit-supporting-type-of bid on an item – it is very easy! This QR code will take you straight to the website with the items. Bids may be placed up to midnight on May 8.

Most important of all…
We need more items for the auction!! There is no deadline for uploading an item. If you click on this link, it will take you to the page to place an item.
If you have any difficulty uploading an item please don’t hesitate to call the office for assistance: 610-872-4812.
And now for a brief public service announcement…
Many of you have asked what the relationship is between our Not-So Silent Auction and the Foundation for DELCO’s Gives Day. If you are curious and have a couple of minutes, this QR code is linked to a recent article that tells the whole story. Thanks to our partners at the Foundation!

Also Today…
Let the Shopping Begin!!
Today was also the first day that the Food Pantry Program began its new format. After many months of conversations, planning, and assembling(!), our guests today were pleasantly surprised that they can now choose the types of food they prefer.

Our guests now come into the dining room and make their way around the perimeter stopping at each set of shelves to make their choices. As you can see, each guest is accompanied by a volunteer companion who pushes a cart with bags on top that get filled as they go around the room.
Thanks to all who have dedicated time, ideas, energy, and resources so that we might more fully those who come to us for assistance.