Happy Anniversary Chester Eastside!
It all began 40 years ago in 1985 when CEI moved into 3rd Presbyterian Church just up East 9th St. Although so much has changed, it is gratifying to know that our mission – and our commitment to it – continues to be our guiding force.
So, a couple of Saturdays ago there was a gathering of about 30 CEI’s stakeholders: board, staff, volunteers, partners, and supporters. The purpose of the meeting was to consider how we might best honor our special anniversary.
In one of the exercises we asked each person to write down five adjectives that, for them, defines CEI. Here are the results in the form of a word cloud…
We also had a special guest who came with a video camera to record folks as they shared what their association with Chester Eastside means to them. Click on the link in the picture to hear some of their responses…

We also had a special guest who came with a video camera to record folks as they shared what their association with Chester Eastside means to them. Click on the link in the picture to hear some of their responses…
A New Way To Help!
Last year we developed a partnership with the Individuals Aiding in Emergencies (IAE) Foundation that resulted in our being able to receive and distribute large quantities of child and adult diapers and hygiene products. We give these items away during the Clothes Closet, which now operates on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As you can imagine, they are much needed; as you may not know, they are expensive.
Hoping to keep up with the demand, we have created a “wish list” on Amazon. The link below will take you to our wish list. As you are moved, you can purchase items that will be delivered to CEI. We are grateful for any assistance you can offer to this effort.
Standing with Mother Nature – and Our City

The garbage dumpster in the St. Paul’s parking lot has a new companion! There is now a large red dumpster with an endless appetite for our recyclables. We have also placed blue cans around the interior of our space to encourage our stewardship of creation!
And then there is the air we breathe…

In partnership with the Clean Air Council we now have an air monitor affixed to the outside of the building. It monitors, evaluates, and analyzes the air at our entrance. The Council received a grant to place fifty monitors throughout Chester with the hope that the data can be used in the efforts to prevent additional environmentally unfriendly neighbors.
If you’re interested in seeing what our air is like at the moment, this button will take you to a brochure that has a QR code (“Purple Air Map”) that will enable you to read the monitor at CEI!
And Speaking of Green….
It’s almost planting time!! In preparation for the warmer days to come, our Kids First@CEI students planted seeds that are germinating under the lights in the office – and they are starting to sprout! Soon they will be planted outside and come fall will be harvested before becoming culinary treats that students can take home to their families.