In case you had not heard, the Chester Eastside family and friends will be gathering this Saturday to celebrate the service of Kathryn Kelly-Redd. The founder of what evolved into the CEI Out of School Time Program is retiring, and we are sending her off with a bravo, bang, and bash!
The festivities begin at 5:00pm with appetizers and small talk. At 6:00pm we will sit to enjoy a very special catered meal. And as the desserts are landing, we will open the mic to voices of appreciation, dedication, and commendation!
The intial plan was to host this event at the CEI home at St. Paul’s Church. In light of the number of RSVP’s we’ve received we have secured an alternative location. We will gather at Vittles, the food-court styled venue where various restauranteurs have nested in Chester. It is just a few blocks from CEI, on the corner at W. 9th St. and (#801) Sproul St.
The great blessing of gathering at Vittles is that it is home to Everybody Eats Philly, the catering group that prepares the meals for our hot meals program, The Open Table. The night will serve as a celebration of our many relationships and partnerships that deliver hope, comfort, light, and relief.
If you have not yet sent in your reservation, it’s not quite – but close – to being too late. If you plan to attend, please call Tiffany Kea in the CEI office (610-872-4812) or send a message to: [email protected].
May our collective and communal celebration of commintment and service be blessed to fill all who take part with re-newed energy to pursue justice and…
Let The Accolades Roll Down Like…!!!

A few months ago a vision for a renewed community garden began with a vapor barrier that covered two lots that the City of Chester aided us in accessing.

Then, on top of the barrier a layer of soil was spread, another layer of topsoil was added, and a thick bed of wood chips was the icing on the cake!
Notice the pile of palletts… Each time we receive food for our food pantry we are left with palletts and, for the first time!, we found a fitting use for them! Notice (below) how well (once cut in half) they serve as barriers and boundaries for the different beds.

And then the finishing touch…bamboo shoots that guide the luscious produce that grows on vines! Just imagine: recycled palletts, bamboo shoots, and donated soil and chips become the foundation of fresh produce and inspiration.

And there it is…under the watchful presence of St. Paul’s. Corn (above) and cabbage (below, I think?) thriving abundantly in their new field!

And then, just today, the joyous news: the Chester Eastside Community Garden was awarded FIRST PLACE in the Delaware County Master Gardeners’ Children’s Garden Contest!!!!
Congratulations to the volunteers, staff, and most importantly – our students – who have once again earned their green thumbs. May the produce born of their labor bring abundant blessings for all who partake.