Our Garden Needs Your Help!!
Despite much rain early in the season, our community garden is desperate for water!! If you have a couple of hours that you would be willing to use to hydrate our harvest, we would hopefully avoid losing any of the crops.
All of the hoses and everything you need is at the ready – no need for buckets! If you are available, please call the office so we can arrange to have someone here to help with setting up.
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm

The Open (Clothes) Closet is Moving!!!
Our friends at St. Paul’s have approved the movement of the Open Closet from the ground floor to the first floor. This means all the clothing that is currently downstairs needs to…well, you get the picture.
This Saturday, beginning at 9:00am, all willing and able folks are encouraged to come and help with this laborious task.
And it’s not just carrying clothes. We have ordered several wardrobes on wheels – so if you like to organize – have we got a deal for you – donuts, coffee, and fantastic fellowship!!